Let’s have a frank conversation.

All across the country, companies of all sizes maintain fleets of all kinds. And though their styles may be different, they still have something in common: Their risks.

Luckily, the United States Department of Transportation, knows the keys to safe driving. According to the organization, commercial drivers should:

  1. Wear their seat belts. Without seat belts, the risk of being seriously injured (or killed) is significantly higher.
  2. Set their speed for the situation. Wet roads? Reduced visibility? Heavy traffic? The Large Truck Crash Causation Study reported that 23 percent of crashes were caused by driving too fast for conditions.
  3. Regularly review their routes. Driving down unfamiliar roads can be a challenge. To combat this, drivers should make plans and stick to them.
  4. Survey their surroundings. What’s happening behind them? To the side of them? In front of them? Drivers should be aware of their blind spots, check their side mirrors often and always keep an eye on what they’re approaching.
  5. Get enough sleep before they get behind the wheel. Driver fatigue is dangerous. Drivers should pay attention to the signs of drowsiness, like yawning, heavy eyes and blurred vision. If they need a boost, short naps can actually be more effective than coffee. (Don’t forget: Drivers are required to log their downtime, so make sure they are.)
  6. Avoid driving distracted. If anything inside or outside of the car is diverting their attention, drivers should do their best to ignore it. (This especially includes their smartphones.)
  7. Keep their distance. Following too closely makes it harder to avoid a collision. Instead, drivers should take the distance they usually leave and double it.

Want to promote your own safe driving program? Consider using a customizable contract. For your convenience, our printable agreement outlines the most important policies and procedures. Download the Commercial Safe Driving Agreement.

Want even more ways to safeguard your business? Download our Disaster Preparedness Guide and learn how to identify and reduce serious risks.
