13 firework safety tips for Independence Day.
Did you know? In 2020 alone, 15,600 people were hospitalized due to firework-related injuries. Oftentimes, these mishaps could have been prevented with the right planning and safety measures. If you’re prepping to celebrate the Fourth or another summer festivity with...
7 tips for commercial property owners.
Owning a commercial property is a significant commitment, but a lucrative investment. By providing other businesses with a premium brick-and-mortar location and working to preserve the value of the property, you’re in position to earn a profit. To maximize your...
AM Best Affirms Frankenmuth Insurance’s “A” (Excellent) Rating.
When it comes to protecting what’s most important to you, turn to Frankenmuth Insurance. AM Best, the most widely recognized provider of ratings and financial data in the insurance industry, has once again recognized Frankenmuth Insurance as a financially sound...
9 safety tips for construction crews.
Construction work can be dangerous. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 13 construction workers die every single day. In some instances, these injuries and fatalities could be prevented by implementing safety tips for construction. If you...
15 pool safety tips for summer.
From cannon balls to belly flops, splash wars to sunbathing, days by the pool are meant to be fun and stress-free. And with a few safety precautions, they will be. As you prepare your pool to be the staple of the summer, keep these 15 pool safety tips top of mind:...
10 digital safety tips to keep customers safe.
So much of our world has moved online. Where businesses once kept physical files, held papers with customer information, and sent payments through the mail, much of these operations are now managed digitally. While our current systems are more efficient and, in many...
How COVID-19 has changed the game for small business owners.
COVID-19 has changed the game for small business owners, in large part, due to consumers’ shopping behaviors. According to a recent insights report from Shopkick, an American company based in Silicon Valley that created a successful shopping app, 62% of consumers say...
Your complete office move checklist.
The pandemic has caused many business owners to look at their leases. They may be downsizing due to a majority of staff working remotely. Or, increasing their square footage to account for social distancing. No matter the motive, moving an office or business can be a...