5 tips for keeping a healthy home.
Homes are the places we should feel the safest and most at ease. By practicing healthy habits and maintaining a home cleaning routine, we can keep our homes and loved ones better protected. Whether you’re looking to spring clean or learn new ways to tidy up, we have...
Frankenmuth Insurance announces 98 percent satisfaction rating.
At Frankenmuth Insurance, insurance isn’t just our job, it’s our passion. That is why we are excited to announce that Frankenmuth Insurance earned a 98% claims satisfaction rating in surveys from customers who had claims during 2019. In addition to a high level of...
Umbrella Insurance: How an umbrella policy can help protect you.
Much like an actual umbrella, personal umbrella insurance can help keep you covered. Umbrella insurance provides extra liability coverage to help protect you from large claims or lawsuits. Breaking it down a little further: A claim is the amount of money requested to...
Insurance a Self-Employed Business Owner Should Consider
You’ve decided to go out on your own and be your own boss … congratulations! As a self-employed business owner, it’s important to keep your business, and personal assets, safe. Whether you’re a contractor, interior designer or financial planner, there are risks...
4 steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carbon monoxide: You can’t see it, you can’t smell it … so how can you keep your loved ones safe from it? Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless chemical. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious matter that accounts for over 15,000 emergency room visits in the...
How commercial umbrella insurance can help protect your business.
Commercial insurance is designed to protect your business from events, incidents, accidents ... whatever an occurrence that leads to a claim might be called. A claim is defined as the amount of money requested to cover a loss. A big claim, like a large liability claim...
4 things you should know about life insurance for children.
Whether you have children or a little one on the way, you know how confusing and unpredictable parenthood can be. While you can’t protect your kids from every bump, bruise, sniffle or sore throat, you can take steps to protect their financial future. Setting up life...
5 life insurance tips from an expert.
Life insurance is something everyone needs, but not everyone has. Maybe you’re young and healthy and don’t see the need for it. Maybe you’re tight on finances and think you can’t afford a policy. Maybe you just don’t know where to start. We’ve gathered five life...