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Service Industry insurance

Service Industries

While you’re busy servicing your clients, we’ll be busy protecting you and your livelihood.

You take pride in the work you do for your clients. We take pride in protecting you and the business you’ve worked hard to build. Our service industry insurance provides protection for businesses like barber shops, beauty salons, dental laboratories, locksmiths, photographers, floor cleaners, and more.

We recommend starting with a commercial package policy or businessowners policy, which includes these standard features:

  • The physical structure of your building, contents, and signs
  • Employee dishonesty coverage for theft of property, money or securities, on and off-premises
  • Medical costs if a customer slips and falls at your store
  • Defense in the event you are sued

For service operations, we offer standard and custom-built policies with enhanced coverages for property and liability. Explore our Diamond Property Premier, Diamond Liability Premier, Diamond Liability Standard, and Diamond Businessowners Premier offerings.

  • Diamond Property Premier
    Diamond Property Premier features four optional coverage levels, each providing the same 60+ enhanced coverages, to help you customize the right property solution your unique business needs.
  • Diamond Liability Premier and Diamond Liability Standard
    Choose from two liability options designed to extend coverage beyond the basic policy. Highlights include additional insureds, plus more than 10 broadened and new coverages.
  • Diamond Businessowners Premier
    Offered at two levels, this coverage enhancement bundles dozens of the most requested protections for small businesses, plus several additional coverages. The property coverage includes more than 40 essential property, crime, and loss of income coverages. The expanded liability coverage includes increased limits beyond the base businessowners coverage form and additional protections.

Customize your policy with additional essential coverages you may need, like:

Not all business insurance needs are the same. Talk to one of our local, independent agents today about our service industry insurance coverage.